Child Abduction

The Stanislaus County District Attorney’s Child Abduction Unit (CAU) is mandated by the State to enforce child custody and visitation orders and to locate and return children who have been taken or detained, in violation of another person’s custody right. It is our goal to help ensure peaceful enforcement of court orders so that the children will enjoy a relationship with both parents. We will help enforce existing orders if the parties cannot.

Cases are divided into three categories: Abductions, Concealments and Visitations. If your child has been abducted, the CAU can begin an investigation to locate the child whether or not there was an order in place at the time of the abduction. Concealment cases or visitation cases wherein you are having a problem enforcing visitation can only be enforced if there is an existing court order. If you are not satisfied with the present court order, you may take the matter back to court for a modification of the order.

Due to funding and staffing restrictions, all of the visitation cases are prioritized below more urgent matters.

You reach the Child Abuction Unit by phone, fax or email:

Phone: (209) 525-6930
Fax: (209) 558-4046


Please include the following information when contacting us:

  • Name of Mother, Father, all Children and birthdates for all
  • If there is a court order and, if so, what is the number
  • The city where the person being denied custody or right of visitation resides.